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Fools Will Be Fooled

I contemplated even continuing this blog. But the mere fact that I even have to think and wonder tells me that I should continue. Now, let's get real. It's always scary how things could potentially play out I mean, you have in your mind how you hope things will go But it just doesn't. Literally, It. Just. Doesn't. It's not even that I didn't try because I always tried my best.. But,  When you're faced with having to let go of something you never wanted to release.. That's where true growth begins. It's hard. There were times I felt physically sick. Nauseous.  There were times I wanted to reach out. Times where I'd even read old messages and look at old videos and pictures. It's almost like grieving the death of a person who's still alive. All the feelings you'd get if that person (God Forbid) passed away but you know they're still here..they simply just made a decision. The same "choice" I discussed in "Kee...

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