14 Days: Day 14

This won't be a long and drawn out post but I figured I'd share a few things I experienced during my 14 Day Spiritual...Water Fast

I went 14 days without any meats, fruits, veggies, sweets, juices. None of the things we consider to be fulfilling and pleasurable. Absolutely nothing. Just water, I had maybe 3 or 4 cups of probiotic and green tea but other than that? Only water. 

I needed to purge myself. It was more than physical to me. I needed to purge my spirit..I needed to replenish my connection with God and I needed to pray, pray, pray, and pray again. Of course you can do this with food...but I realized the connection I had with food wasn't healthy. It was and still can be one of the most unhealthy aspects of my life. If I'm fasting then I need to give up something that would be of great value to me. Food is what God and I both decided would be my sacrifice. I needed God to know that I was/am willing to give up anything to hear from him and to let him know how much I value our relationship and the connection we share. I would not be where I am today, without him. I owe him all of me, every. single. day. of my life. 

This helped me realize that I needed to fast from a few other things as well..so, 
I fasted from..
TV (cable, netflix, hulu, Disney+, Tubi, etc)
secular music
foul language
people (whenever I could)
social media
honestly, pretty much anything that would deter me away from hearing and focusing on the word of God.

(I told no one about this fast. This was strictly between God and I. It limited distractions a great deal. My mom found out but I mean obviously..she was going to realize I wasn't eating with them during family dinner. But other than that, I told no one...) 

I listened to and watched A LOT of Dr. Myles Munroe. His sermons and views on fasting, preparation, the purpose..1000% recommend.

Let's just say, this was one of the most revealing phases of my life. These 14 days were the blueprint for how I want to continuously improve my relationship with my Lord and Savior. Throughout this process, I learned how to pray more effectively and how to be more intentional with WHAT and HOW I need to communicate with God. 

I learned.. oftentimes I prayed for God to help and fix situations regarding things he already completed. Things he was finished with. Things he already rewarded me with, protected me from, endeavors he's already laid out for me and even gifts he's already instilled within me. So, essentially..I'd be praying..not necessarily an incorrect prayer but more of a prayer that wasn't feeding my current season. 

 This has forced me to.. 

1. Figure out exactly WHAT season I'm c u r r e n t l y in. This was and still is a very vital portion of my growth within our relationship. Knowing what season I'm in at every stage of my life helped me be more realistic with God and myself as well. Knowing my current season has caused me to see things more for what they are, specifically read and study avenues of his word that will fertilize this soil I'm currently rooted in. 
I really had to sit down and think about where I am in life. What is my position? What is the purpose of this season? .. Many times we get caught up in our daily schedules and agendas to the point we don't realize that God will never have us stagnant for too long, it's up to US to accept the transition. It'll always be a battle between the flesh and the spiritual because we're human..  

2. Be more intentional. Do and speak everything with INTENT. What is my why? I ask myself that often. 
Intentionally making time for God, intentionally saying what's pondering within my heart/spirit/soul, intentionally saying and expressing that I am HIS servant, that I AM listening, asking him to SPEAK to me, and also expressing how much I need him. I realized he needs to know these things. In my opinion, he knows my thoughts before I even think them but SAYING it, CONFESSING it, SUBMITTING, and ASKING for help regarding all things is what's helping me be more intentional with God and in my everyday life. Even within my family and friendships.. This is important.

3. Express GRATITUDE. I've learned how to be thankful and I'm continuously learning how to be obedient. I've unconsciously developed these traits throughout my entire upbringing but matriculating through life's battles and obstacles can cause these two simple things to be a bit more complex to execute. I've learned that's okay, also. Everyday is a new opportunity to be thankful, to be obedient to the will he has for my life. Everyday won't be the same regarding my walk with Christ but...the key is to never stop walking. This is important, too.

This fast has led me to discover and find some of my favorite "Life Scriptures" .. a few that directly compliments Jesus' personal being within ME and MY life. 
I will forever be grateful, I'm not too sure I would have discovered them without this fast. 

One more thing: This fast FORCED me to get into the word. I am not perfect by a long shot but knowing and receiving the love he has for all of his children through the word is Top 2 and it isn't number 2. lol

There are far more things I've learned throughout my 14 Day Spiritual Fast, these are just a few things that were on my heart to share. I'm so thankful for the growth and self discipline I've executed. It was definitely difficult. My physical being wanted to give up many days but my spirit wouldn't allow me to. 

I'm pretty sure some of you might be thinking how I physically felt throughout this process. I documented most days. What I wrote down will be listed below:

Day1: "Pretty smooth, extremely tired really early. Went to sleep 8:30pm, woke up 8am."
Day2: "Everything was still pretty smooth, getting up too fast was painful. Would feel a bit dizzy."
Day3: TMI but we're grown so.. "astounding bowel movements, felt great afterwards. Aching pains in my arms towards the evening."
Day4: "No energy, headache, drowsy."
Day5: "Great day"
Day6: "Contemplated quitting multiple times, felt extremely nauseous, felt so much better after a little salt in H2O." 
Day7: "First time drinking Tea. Bowel movements. I feel AMAZING! So happy I didn't quit"
Day8: "Great Day"
Day9: "Off/on headaches (got better when I took down my hair that was in a tight bun) I felt extremely energetic. Completed 2 miles of walking and jogging (wouldn't recommend but I still did it) Drove grandpa around. Tempted by so. much. free. food. He tried feeding me seafood, oxtail, cabbage, rice, dessert, literally everything in his kitchen."
Day10: "Great Day" 
Day11: "restless, couldn't really sleep. I feel extremely weak"
Day12: No documentation
Day13: No documentation 
Day14: No documentation

This was my PHYSICAL experience. This had nothing to do with the MAIN objective. 

Overall, this experience was extremely rewarding in far more ways than a few and I WILL be doing this again. 

God bless,



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